2017年5月21日 星期日

《Amok》Atoms for Peace Live After 2012 (Ⅱ)

Amok – 2013.2.25

2013.09.24 Atoms for Peace live at Liacouras Center Philadelphia
01. Before Your Very Eyes...
02. Default
03. The Clock
04. Ingenue
05. Stuck Together Pieces
06. Unless
07. And It Rained All Night
08. Harrowdown Hill
09. Dropped
10. Cymbal Rush
11. Skip Divided
12. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
13. Rabbit in Your Headlights(UNKLE cover)
14. Paperbag Writer
15. Amok
Encore 2:
16. Atoms for Peace
17. Black Swan

「Default」Thom好像手拿一顆黃檸檬,一直搖來扭去,身段非常靈活,一直high到前半場;Encore回來,Thom換上數字3黑色背心,但這件我記得Jonny也有一件數字3黑色T裇;「Skip Divided」這首歌怎麼聽都有點像舞蛇人之歌,尤其Flea手著口風琴(?)吹來吹去,二個人身體扭得跟蛇一樣;「Atoms for Peace」Thom還跑到舞台前方,唱完介紹成員後,就唱終曲了

2013.09.27 Atoms for Peace live at Barclays Center NY
01. Before Your Very Eyes...
02. Default
03. The Clock
04. Ingenue
05. Stuck Together Pieces
06. Unless
07. And It Rained All Night
08. Harrowdown Hill
09. Dropped
10. Cymbal Rush
11. Skip Divided
12. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
13. Rabbit in Your Headlights(UNKLE cover)
14. Paperbag Writer
15. Amok
Encore 2:
16. Atoms for Peace
17. Black Swan


2013.10.13 Atoms for Peace live at ACL Festival Austin
01. Before Your Very Eyes...
02. Default
03. The Clock
04. Ingenue
05. Unless
06. And It Rained All Night
07. Harrowdown Hill
08. Dropped
09. Cymbal Rush
10. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
11. Rabbit in Your Headlights(UNKLE cover)
12. Paperbag Writer
13. Amok
Encore 2:
14. Atoms for Peace
15. Black Swan

一開場就看到Thom和Flea穿一樣的黑色長裙(?)可能這比褲子涼快吧,「Default」開始二人先來個雙人對尬舞,踩著神之舞步,跳來跳去;「Ingenue」歌單裡面比較抒情的大概就是這首歌吧,很好聽。但「Cymbal Rush」Thom鋼琴彈一彈,還是會自已跳起來。「Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses」打擊樂手真得很多奇妙的樂器,但真得很像一堆鍋碗瓢盆,行動五金行,這首歌他在打這隻鍋柱很有趣。「Paperbag Writer」電波系的歌,Thom自唱自high,腳踩七星舞步;「Amok」很讚;每次看到「Atoms for Peace」彈奏同名歌曲,就有點莫名感動。

2013.10.17 Atoms for Peace live at Santa Barbara Bowl USA
01. Before Your Very Eyes...
02. Default
03. The Clock
04. Ingenue
05. Unless
06. And It Rained All Night
07. Harrowdown Hill
09. Cymbal Rush
10. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
11. Rabbit in Your Headlights(UNKLE cover)
12. Paperbag Writer
13. Amok



2015.12.04-5 Thom Yorke live at Le Trianon Paris
01. The Numbers(Live debut,titled Silent Spring)
02. Desert Island Disk(Live debut)
03. Bloom (Piano version)
04. Present Tense(First time (solo) live since 2009)
05. The Clock
06. Default (with Flea)
07. Atoms for Peace(with Flea)
02.Fake Plastic Trees(live since Jan.2010 )

在《A Moon Shaped Pool》(2016.5.8)前幾個月,Thom在巴黎solo表演,唱了不少新歌,找了Flea來助陣二首歌,所以我把心得放在這邊。Thom一出場聊了些他兒子的事情,但我聽不是懂。不過「The Numbers」太好聽了,歌名原本叫「寂靜的春天Silent Spring」,唱到一半說“This is Jonny's bit”,所以後半段是Jonny弄的嗎? 「Desert Island Disk」也好好聽,;「Bloom」很好聽,Thom很忙,要自已搞麥克風,有點體會到這首歌幽玄深邃的意境了?「Present Tense」Thom更忙,擺弄二支麥克風,一支先唱合聲,超級好聽;「The Clock 」覺得Thom已經出神入化了,無入而不自得,唱完介紹一頭粉紅的Flea出場,台下還趁亂告白,「Default」二個人很搖頭晃腦,很high;「Atoms for Peace」這真真真是我聽過最讚的live,Thom先唱合聲再一直loop,加入Flea的貝斯,聽起來好暈眩、好銷魂、太精彩了,如果是聽現場真人live,那該有多好呀!第二天「Fake Plastic Trees」Thom的自彈自唱很讚。

