2017年5月30日 星期二

《A Moon Shaped Pool》Radiohead Live After 2017

A Moon Shaped Pool – 2016.5.8

2017.03.30 Radiohead live at AAA Miami
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. Morning Bell (tour debut; first since 2010)
09. Let Down
10. I Might Be Wrong(tour debut; first since 2012)
11. Lotus Flower
12. Identikit
13. Idioteque
14. Nude
15. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
16. The Numbers
17. How to Disappear Completely
18. No Surprises
19. Burn the Witch
20. Reckoner
21. Fake Plastic Trees

22. The Tourist(tour debut; first since 2008) 
Encore 2:
23. You and Whose Army?
24. Bodysnatchers

2017年巡迴歌單有調整,改成由「Daydreaming」開場,更加夢幻好聽;「Morning Bell」也很久沒唱,還有「I Might Be Wrong」,覺得這場歌單超好,幾乎每首都好聽;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」Jonny穿白T裇很清爽(但有鬍渣),彈得也超讚;「Reckoner」舞台設置也有改一些位置,像Jonny總算不用躲在後方彈琴;「The Tourist」在「Ok Computer」專輯巡迴後就很少唱了,我也常拿「Radiohead live at The Hammerstein Ballroom 1997.12.19」結尾曲影片來回味,太經典了;「You and Whose Army?」Thom在鋼琴前自彈自唱,還有一隻攝影鏡頭對著他的眼睛,難道是代表老大哥在看著你嗎?

2017.04.01 Radiohead live at Philips Arena Atlanta
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. My Iron Lung
06. Separator
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
10. Bloom
11. I Might Be Wrong
12. Myxomatosis
13. Idioteque
14. The Gloaming
15. Subterranean Homesick Alien
16. The Numbers
17. House of Cards(tour debut; first since 2012)
18. No Surprises
19. Burn the Witch
20. Paranoid Android
21. Present Tense
22. Everything in Its Right Place
Encore 2:
23. You and Whose Army?
24. Bodysnatchers
Encore 3:
25. Karma Police

2017年是「Ok Computer」專輯發行20週年,而這次的巡迴表演,除了新專輯的歌,很多舊歌都被拿出唱,「Airbag」、「No Surprises」、「Karma Police」特別常唱;「Separator」感覺有點不一樣的好聽,Thom唱很銷魂地轉圈圈;「All I Need」Thom也是很陶醉耽溺地唱歌,唱一唱又坐到鋼琴彈唱,太好聽了。

2017.04.08 Radiohead live at KeyArena Seattle
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step
06. Exit Music (for a Film)
07. Pyramid Song
08. Bloom
09. Let Down
10. Burn the Witch
11. Bodysnatchers
12. These Are My Twisted Words(Tour debut; First time since 2012)
13. The Gloaming
14. Reckoner
15. I Might Be Wrong
16. Idioteque
17. The Numbers
18. No Surprises
19. Morning Bell
20. Paranoid Android
21. Present Tense
22. Lotus Flower
Encore 2:
23. You and Whose Army?
24. Everything in Its Right Place
Encore 3:
25. Fake Plastic Trees(Unplanned; Not on written Setlist)

「Bloom」換場準備時Colin幫Jonny撿鼓棒,綠木兄弟互動太有愛,Thom唱得很棒,打鼓三人組也很讚;「Let Down」Thom笑容滿滿開唱;「These Are My Twisted Words」和「The Daily Mail」並列我心中Radiohead未發實體版的三大遺珠之一(剩下的還沒想到),但是這首歌光聽前奏就很銷魂,簡直可以一聽再聽也不厭,Thom和Jonny彈吉他時也不知道到在交流啥眼神,總之我非常想聽一次現場;「The Gloaming」開唱前講了幾句話;「Idioteque」Jonny的奇妙機器每次都會有點變化,像擺設的舞台位置方位;Encore回來,Colin心情好一直拍照;「最後Thom心情更好,還唱了不在歌單上的Fake Plastic Trees」好聽。

2017.04.14 Radiohead live at Coachella, USA
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop (First signs of audio problems)
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step (Audio cut out midway through)
Intermission to fix audio issues
06. The National Anthem
07. Let Down(Audio cut out again)
Second intermission to fix audio issues
08. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
09. Bloom
10. Identikit
11. Everything in Its Right Place
12. There There
13. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
14. Burn the Witch
15. Idioteque
16. Nude
17. Creep
18. You and Whose Army?
19. No Surprises
20. Paranoid Android
21. Bodysnatchers
22. Karma Police

加州Coachella音樂祭很大方,三天在官網同步直播,但其實我根本就忘記這件事,那天剛好臉書看到消息,馬上拋開手上的事,專心看Radiohead,好加在有跟到直播,「Daydreaming」開場舞台氛圍太美了,燈光投射有如星空裡的月形池,根本夢幻無比,每個人都做著白日夢;「Desert Island Disk」太好聽了,很浪漫的感覺;「Ful Stop」很讚,但這首音控就怪怪,因為Radiohead太鎮定了,完全不像有問題,結果「15 Step」再度出包,Jonny呆了一下,抬頭看天又搖搖頭,繼續彈他的吉他(反應也太可愛了)。我以為是網路的問題,結果一直沒有聲音,只有觀眾的鼓噪聲,雖然Radiohead依然把歌唱完,但現場中斷了幾分鐘;「The National Anthem」再度上場,但「Let Down」無事不成三,前半段很正常,後半段又出包,台下觀眾大合唱結束,真是殘念但幸好我去年聽過,而且這首歌在巡迴出現滿多次,才覺得釋懷。之後又中斷了好久,若是人在現場的話,心裡應該會很幹,不過我在家看網路直播,反而覺得很有臨場感,只是得要說Radiohead大團風範,就是要臨危不亂,鎮定自如,什麼大風大浪都見過,照樣在台上演唱他們的歌;回來唱「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」Thom還安慰大家一下,都怪罪給外星人,幸好後來沒再出包了,每首歌都好聽不得了;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」每次聽都很讚;「Idioteque」特別HIGH;,因為直播也沒啥頭緖,猜不出歌單,真沒想到竟然唱「Creep」,有點被感動到了,更經典是唱到「I want a perfect body~I want a perfect soul」Thom接著說asshole,略帶輕蔑的表情,反諷十足;「You and Whose Army?」舞台效果也太特別了,只單拍一隻眼,微微的獵奇感;那天晚上影片重播又再看一遍(順便還看The XX),真是太好看了。

2017.04.21 Radiohead live at Coachella USA
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. Myxomatosis
06. Lucky
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Bloom
11. Identikit
12. My Iron Lung
13. The Gloaming
14. I Might Be Wrong
15. Bodysnatchers
16. Exit Music (for a Film)
17. Reckoner
18. No Surprises
19. Paranoid Android
20. Fake Plastic Trees
21. Lotus Flower
22. Idioteque

前陣子Radiohead主動放在官網http://www.radiohead.tv 的現場影片,並且說會陸續發佈其他場次的影片,實在是對歌迷很好,太貼心了,真真是佛心來著的Radiohead。加州Coachella音樂祭第二週的演出,沒有像第一週遇到外星人干擾,果然整個表演堪稱完美,從開場「Daydreaming」絕美極致,「Desert Island Disk」Jonny在弄一台機器,也很好聽;「Ful Stop」超high超帥;「Myxomatosis」Thom唱到後面還一直亂叫;「All I Need」超浪漫好聽;「Bloom」難以言喻的氣勢,宏麗壯美,Phil好像很愛這首歌,露出謎之微笑,打鼓很high的樣子;Thom講了幾句話就接唱「Identikit」整個人扭來扭去;「My Iron Lung」難得出現舊歌,大家彈吉他好帥;「I Might Be Wrong」也很讚;「Reckoner」每次聽都很美;「No Surprises」、「Fake Plastic Trees」更是美得叫人心碎呀;「Lotus Flower」、「Idioteque」都很讚,唱完最後Thom很可愛地講晚安道別。

