1. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: Lakewood M14
2. There There (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus
3. Knives Out (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: Lakewood M14
#Intereview Thom/Ed
4. Sail to the Moon (Thom: Upright Piano (Yamaha), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster
#Intereview Thom/Ed
5.I Will (Thom: Sunburst Fender Telecaster
6. No Surprises (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: Upright Piano (Yamaha)
#Intereview Jonny/Colin/Phil
7. A Punch-Up At A Wedding (Thom: Upright Piano (Yamaha), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster
8. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Upright Piano (Yamaha), (Jonny: MacBook
9. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster
10. Fog (Thom: Upright Piano (Yamaha)
Encore 2
10. Karma Police (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Jonny: Upright Piano (Yamaha)
2003年Glastonbury結束後,Radiohead來到法國,這場只有Thom和Jonny表演,但其他團員也要訪談,然後Colin走下車的神情很瀟灑俐落,真不愧是大哥!(那斜背包真好看)。表演場地是一家Live酒吧? Thom和Jonny兩人默契無間,反正就很隨興自在,演出的歌曲都很好聽;「There There」超讚,雖然沒有打鼓與和聲,Jonny出神入化的吉他,也讓人聽得如痴如醉;「I Will」只有Thom自彈自唱,Jonny就坐在後面休息,好可愛也!Thom有說過這首歌的感覺很黑,大意是「你想對我怎麼沒關係,但如果傷了我的家人,我一定殺你全家!」,原專輯歌裡有和聲,但聽不出來到底是誰,Ed or Phil?「No Surprises」Jonny用鋼琴代替鐘琴,Thom自彈自唱,最然還自已唱和聲;中間主持人介紹一些現場觀眾裡,有像Air、Pet Shop Boys、Archive、Dreadzone…等樂團;「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」Thom麥克風試音很趣味;「Fog」很好聽;「Karma Police」Jonny鋼琴和Thom吉他,結尾還特別秀了一下,Thom笑聲好像邪惡小精靈,就開心俏皮地跑下台。
1. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: backing vocals
2. 2+2=5 (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Phil: backing vocals
3. Morning Bell (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Coin
4. Lucky (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
5. Talk Show Host (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards (Fatar Keys CMS-161)
6. Scatterbrain (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
7. The National Anthem (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Drum Machine (Roland VS-1880)
9. Fake Plastic Trees (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: Gibson ES-330
10. Sail to the Moon (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1
11. My Iron Lung (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
12. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
13. Just (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele1, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
14. Paranoid Android (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves
15. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
16. After the Gold Rush (Neil Young cover) (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
17. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
18. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
19. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
20. Karma Police (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano)
這場表演很精采。「There There」Ed打完鼓丟鼓棒,Thom用法語打招呼;「The National Anthem」現場Radio結尾接續「Hunting Bears」,算是「The Gloaming「的中場過渡;「My Iron Lung」沒像以前狂暴;不過high歌是「Idioteque」,一開場Thom穿三件衣服,慢慢地一件件脫掉,到「Idioteque」是一件T恤,跳到掀起來差點脫掉;「Kid A」跳來跳去好可愛哦(←只會說這一句),表情很有趣,還亂拉麥克風線,搞得工作人員衝出來調整;「Karma Police」幾乎台上台下唱成一片,Thom最後還來上一句結尾大合唱。
1. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: backing vocals
2. 2+2=5 (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Phil: backing vocals
3. Lucky (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
5. Scatterbrain (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
6. The National Anthem (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
7. Backdrifts (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Phil: Drum Machine
8. Sail to the Moon (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1
9. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
10. My Iron Lung (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
11. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
12. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
13. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
14. A Punch-Up At A Wedding (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335
15. Paranoid Android (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
17. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
18. Like Spinning Plates (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano)
19. No Surprises (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Glockenspiel
20. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Drum Machine (Roland VS-1880)
21. The Tourist (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
Encore 2
22. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Lemon Shaker, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, Glockenspiel, (Phil: backing vocals
23. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster
Jonny又穿那件黃色T恤,他好愛穿也。照例開場又是「There There」,自製影片音檔不錯;「Kid A」Thom一邊唱一邊做怪臉,這次是擬死怪異的表情,又在舞台跳舞;「My Iron Lung」Jonny不知道是發呆?結果彈錯了,Thom唱到一半就停下取笑一下,其他人在旁邊偸笑,好趣味也;「Where I End and You Begin」Jonny的音量沒控制好,忽大忽小,後來整個音場變大聲?;要唱「No Surprises」時,不曉得是台下的尖叫聲,還是什麼東西?Thom就笑得好大聲,沒那種絕望的甜美感;「The Gloaming」結尾很loop。
1. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: backing vocals
2. 2+2=5 (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Phil: backing vocals
3. Fog (Thom: Upright Piano (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
4. Morning Bell (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Coin
5. Talk Show Host (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards (Fatar Keys CMS-161)
7. Scatterbrain (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
8. The National Anthem (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
9. Backdrifts (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station) Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Phil: Drum Machine
11. Fake Plastic Trees (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: Gibson ES-330
12. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
13. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
14. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Colin: Acoustic Basses (Ned Steinberger CR4M)
15. A Wolf at the Door (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200), Claves
17. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
18. I Will (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2
19. The Bends (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
20. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Drum Machine (Roland VS-1880)
21. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
Encore 2
22. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Lemon Shaker, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, Glockenspiel, (Phil: backing vocals
23. Karma Police (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano)
連續兩天在義大利開唱又是7月夏天,Thom穿無袖,Jonny難得沒穿T恤,但覺得和Colin借來穿,兄弟倆衣服滿像的;第二天的曲目比較冷門少見?又唱了「Fog」;「A Wolf at the Door」歌詞超長,放在專輯終曲的用意,不是美夢一場,而是告訴你「這是個惡夢,該醒來喝杯水!」;雖然Encore回來唱「I Will」,但只有Thom自彈自唱,好想看到和聲部的演出哦。
1. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: backing vocals
2. 2+2=5 (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Phil: backing vocals
6. Backdrifts (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Phil: Drum Machine
7. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Thom: Upright Piano (Yamaha), (Ed: backing vocals, Lemon Shaker, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, Glockenspiel, (Phil: backing vocals
8. No Surprises (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Glockenspiel
9. Bones (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
10. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
11. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
12. Just (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
17. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano (Yamaha), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Colin: Acoustic Basses (Ned Steinberger CR4M)
18. A Wolf at the Door (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
19. Karma Police (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano (Yamaha)
20. Creep (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
2003年又來日本開演唱會,日本人真好命,一開場Thom就用日語打招呼「空巴哇~」。「Backdrifts」節奏很跳;「Sit Down. Stand Up.」Thom彈鋼琴愈彈愈快,彈到跳起來大叫去抓麥克風;「No Surprises」現場好像在下雨,而且很大的樣子,Thom溼的超誇張,不過那時候是夏天不意外,陣雨或汗水都很多;「「Kid A」雖然很溼,不過還是繼續唱,器材好像不怕水;「Just」Thom唱到笑得賊,中間喊一聲不知道講啥? 「A Wolf at the Door」Thom開場舉起一張紙,上面寫著「You Have Time For 4 Song Total」,又對歌迷眨眼比大姆指,很俏皮可愛。唱到中段又躺到舞台打滾,捲起來唱歌;「Karma Police」Thom邊唱邊用無辜溼潤的眼神望著你,眼眶帶淚好像要哭了,實在太犯規了,抵抗不住呀;「Creep」有改一下歌詞,台上台下唱成一片,唱完Thom大喊「空巴哇~」,講了一聲「多摩~」就結東了。
1. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Drum Machine (Roland VS-1880)
2. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: backing vocals
3. 2+2=5 (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Phil: backing vocals
4. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
5. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
6. Talk Show Host (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards (Fatar Keys CMS-161)
7. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards, Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200), (Colin: Music Man Sterling
8. Paranoid Android (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves
9. In Limbo (Thom: Tambourine, (Ed: backing vocals, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Sail to the Moon (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1
11. Creep (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
12. Scatterbrain (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
13. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
14. Just (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele1, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1
15. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335 Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
16. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Gibson ES-3350, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Colin: (Acoustic Basses) Ned Steinberger CR4M
17. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Lemon Shaker, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, Glockenspiel, (Phil: backing vocals
18. Lucky (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, (Jonny: Keyboards
19. The National Anthem (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
20. A Punch-Up At A Wedding (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335
21. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster
22. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Black), (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Colin: Jingle Bells
23. No Surprises (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Glockenspiel
24. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
這場在紐約麥迪遜花園廣場演出,Jonny很可愛(←只會說這一句),穿了一件「NYLON」的衣服,它是本紐約雜誌,也代表New York+ London的縮寫,總不會真意指「尼龍Nylon」吧?「2+2=5」Thom唱得滿激烈,連髒話都罵出來了;「Jus」照例也會大叫,順便罵了一下;不過紐約人很好運,這場唱了「Creep」改詞版;「You and Whose Army?」Thom很愛對鏡頭做怪表情,一直想引誘觀眾;「National Anthem」開場前唱了一小段不知道是啥的歌? Encore回來唱了「Airbag」唱到一半還以為是誰在舞台上滑倒,結果是有個瘋狂歌迷從舞台右方,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度,直衝Thom撞了一下。或許不是瘋狂歌迷,而是其他因素而衝上台,但此時警衛也左方採重力加速度的力量,撲向瘋狂歌迷壓制住他,在糾纏的同時,距離最近的Jonny很快地閃開,回去踩他的踏板,然後Thom瞄了一下被抓走的歌迷,就一直唱下去,完全跟沒事一樣。
2. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: backing vocals
3. 2+2=5 (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Phil: backing vocals
4. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: Sunburst Fender Custom Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
5. Backdrifts (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Phil: Drum Machine
6. My Iron Lung (Thom: Black Fender Deluxe Telecaster Tele2, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
7. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards, Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200), (Colin: Music Man Sterling
8. Paranoid Android (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves
9. Sail to the Moon (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1
10. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Novation Bass Station), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
11. Scatterbrain (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
12. Climbing up the Walls (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Jonny: Keyboards, Radio, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
13. Like Spinning Plates (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Jonny: Keyboards
14. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
15. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
16. Fake Plastic Trees (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: Gibson ES-330
17. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Lemon Shaker, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS8000 Integrator, Glockenspiel, (Phil: backing vocals
18. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
19. The National Anthem (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
20. A Punch-Up At A Wedding (Thom: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano), (Ed: backing vocals, Gibson ES-330
21. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
22. Karma Police (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano (Young Chang Piano)
23. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
因為上次紐約場發生歌迷衝撞事件,這次多倫多場就有增派人力,舞台下都站滿光頭大漢。但結果沒發生衝撞,而是「Myxomatosis」Thom唱到一半站在舞台邊俯望人台下,愈唱愈站向舞台外,突然一聲連喊卡停止音樂,並手指台下說「發生啥事?」,警衛們就從人群中拖出一個昏倒?的歌迷,送出場外救治。整段過程旁邊的Jonny都一副錯愕呆住的表情,直到Thom要音樂繼續才回神過來,然後Thom像完全沒事一樣,回到舞台中間唱下去,最妙是還能從另一段接唱回來,好厲害也;「You and Whose Army」每次Thom得在鋼琴前彈奏唱歌,又很愛引誘觀眾,跑來跑去很忙碌;「The National Anthem」Thom也得彈吉他,但一開始又不背著(大概妨礙他跳舞),這次助手先蹲在前面遞吉他給Thom,結果不知道做啥? Thom就有點笑場了。哈哈,看到這段就覺得很趣味,為什麼1997年看Radiohead很沮喪,2003年都會這麼歡樂呀?明明都是Radiohead,這幾年是發生啥事?「Karma Police」Thom最後都結束了,還硬要唱一下結尾solo。