2012年10月13日 星期六

《In Rainbows》Radiohead Live After 2007

In Rainbows – 2007.10.10

Radiohead live at Scotch Mist 2007.12.31
1. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Keyboards, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass
2. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335
3. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
4. Faust Arp (Jonny: Martin DE35
5. 15 Step (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
6. Videotape (Thom: Keyboards, (Ed: Effects Pedals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
7. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards, (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand)
8. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
9. All I Need (Thom: Keyboards, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards, Glockenspiel
10. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Glockenspiel

自從2003年第7張專輯《Hail to the Thief》,隔了4年Radiohead才推出《In Rainbows》,發行後不久還搞了「Thumbs Down」網路播出的特別節目,年底又來個「Scotch Mist」,反正過新年他們也很開心的樣子,總之是在某個鄉間房舍改建的錄音練團室,一伙人惡搞自製的影片。當時後來才知道有這東西,看完覺得像小孩子們在秘密基地裡耍白爛之類,中間串場和結尾,整團人都在惡趣味的狀態,尤其看到Jonny一副沒睡醒,頭髮亂亂的樣子,好可愛哦,反正就是窺視他們練團的感覺,滿足外界的好奇心。影片裡Thom沒唱那麼準確,但很隨興自在。「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」還會跟著Ed自唱自和聲;「Bodysnatchers」唱到中段整個尖叫,很HIGH;「Jigsaw Falling Into Place」Thom的衣服不一樣,是唱很多次嗎?「Faust Arp」這段也有放在「Thumbs Down」裡面,應該是凌晨日出前,或是傍晚日落? Thom和Jonny不知道在哪個山崗上,兩人一彈一唱,明明Thom就知道要穿外套,戴圍巾保暖。Jonny就傻傻的只穿薄長袖,就跟別人跑到荒郊野外吹冷風,Thom唱完歌,Jonny還說「好冷~」,反應超有趣;「Reckoner」Jonny頭髮上還有紙屑?簡直一副剛睡醒,就被叫來練團,很不情願的感覺。

Radiohead live at London 93 Feet East 2008.01.16
01. 15 Step
02. Bodysnatchers
03. Nude
04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. All I Need
06. Faust Arp(Live concert debut)
07. Reckoner(Live concert debut)
08. House of Cards
09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
11. Up on the Ladder(Acoustic. First time since 2002)
12. You and Whose Army?
13. The National Anthem
14. My Iron Lung
15. The Bends

2008年一開始Radiohead在倫敦表演,雖然不知道為啥?他們要找這種小場地,裡面很小無敵小,但是觀眾距離舞台超級近,一伸手就可以摸到Radiohead(好羡慕耶~!),這場也是「In Rainbows」巡廻首場(應該吧?),歌單就按照專輯順序來唱。「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」滿嗨的,「Reckoner」大家聊了一下在抱怨啥?但這歌很好聽。Encore:回來唱B-sides的「Up on the Ladder」,「You and Whose Army?」很讚,「The National Anthem」好像沒有用收音機廣播混音。而最後兩首第二張專輯的歌,有像他們剛出來時,也常在小場地表演的情境,「The Bends」Thom小忘詞但很嗨呀。

Radiohead live at Later With Jools Holland 200th 2008.1.28
1. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass
2. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335
3. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)

這集Later With Jools Holland是第200集特別節目,找了Radiohead表演新歌。可以看到Thom又換新吉他,他以前有過一把櫻桃紅吉他,但1995年整團樂器被人偷走。直到後來再度入手同款的新版,重溫新歡舊愛的滋味,很常看見他拿這把紅吉他,其實很漂亮。

Radiohead live From The Basement《In Rainbows》2008.4.2
1. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass
2. 15 Step (Ed: Gibson ES-330, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Drum Machine
3. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
4. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
5. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
6. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards, Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
7. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
8. Bangers + Mash (Thom: Tambourine, Mini Drum kit, (Ed: backing vocals, 70's Fender Stratocaster
9. Optimistic (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker
(Bottle with sand) 
11. Videotape(Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Effects Pedals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
12. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
13. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
14. Go Slowly (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PCR-500)

當年看到Radiohead這個《In Rainbows》地下室實況,整個大為驚豔,因為可以看到每個人演奏的動作,比起「Scotch Mist」的隨興居家?這次大伙都有收拾整頓一番,務必達到最佳狀態,力求完美。而且《In Rainbows》整張專輯本來就很唯美動聽,很多歌都很喜歡,這時期Thom的造型很帥,其他人也很讚。然後他們也把前幾張的歌拿出唱,像「Optimistic」Phil鼓棒換成圓頭,打鼓更有力,加上Ed的和聲,很有氣勢;「Reckoner」雖然每次LIVE都很讚,但有個和專輯不一樣的地方,大約歌曲在3:33時有一小段像弦樂的旋律,覺得很好聽。可是LIVE好像沒這段,有點可惜。也不知道哪曲調究竟是啥?「All I Need」Thom半瞇著眼、黏在麥克風上唱歌,又很神速地坐到鋼琴前,邊彈邊唱又能回頭指示,整個很厲害,Colin彈得也非常陶醉;「Go Slowly」Colin專注地彈Keyboard,這是B面的歌,曲調緩慢哀傷但也很美。

Radiohead live at West Palm Beach 2008.5.5
1. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
2. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass
3. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
4. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards(Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker
(Bottle with sand)
5. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
6. Morning Bell (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Coin
7. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
8. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
9. 15 Step (Ed: Gibson ES-330, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Colin: Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
10. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Jingle Bells
11. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
12. Bullet Proof.. I Wish I Was (Thom: Martin 000-18
13. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
14. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells
15. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
16. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
17. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
18. Optimistic (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
19. Just (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
20. Faust Arp (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Jonny: Martin 000-18
21. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
22. Bangers + Mash (Thom: Tambourine, Mini Drum kit, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
Encore 2
23. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
24. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster

演唱會一開場就唱「All I Need」,Jonny穿著連帽外套,躲在後面彈琴,Thom還穿白衣坐在鋼琴前唱歌,這太犯規了誰受得了呀!不過第一首歌他們都只是在暖身;這場歌單大部份都有出現在地下室實況,可是我覺得狀態還好?「There There」Jonny與以往拿兩隻尖的鼓棒不一樣,鼓棒是一尖一圓頭在打鼓;「Nude」Thom講了很多話;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」Thom和Colin開場兩人一起跳來跳去,唱完還像意猶未盡,或是不滿意重來,要大伙再彈上一段,Colin也拿起鈴鐺來搖一搖,「Everything In Its Right Place」馬尾大叔和Jonny不知道在講,大概器材的問題吧?「Bangers + Mash」Thom很開心地在打鼓。

Radiohead live at Dublin Ireland 2008.6.6-7
1. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
2. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
3. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells
6. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
7. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), 1975 Fender Starcaster
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
9. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
10. Faust Arp (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Jonny: Martin 000-18
11. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
12. Optimistic(Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
13. Where I End and You Begin (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
14. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards(Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin:

Shaker (Bottle with sand)
15. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
16. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
17. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
18. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
19. Jigsaw Falling Into Place(Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Colin: Sunburst Precision Bass
20. Climbing up the Walls (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Plank Ed2, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
21. Planet Telex (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards 
22. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
Encore 2
23. Supercollider (Thom: Upright Piano,
24. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335
25. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
1. Bangers + Mash (Thom: Tambourine, Mini Drum kit, (Ed: White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
2. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards, Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
3. Supercollider (Thom: Upright Piano,
4. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves

Jonny出場都穿連帽外套,蓋住頭的樣子,好像ㄒㄐㄙㄉ(?),但不得不說Jonny可愛極了,每次忙忙碌碌地在弄器材,或是很專注在彈吉他,都超有魅力。「15 Step」Thom在台上轉圈跳舞很活潑;「Bodysnatchers」還吐舌大叫,台下台上唱成一片;「Videotape」好像器材故障,Jonny很苦惱的樣子,不過Thom起來看一下情況,中斷後又繼續唱下去;這二天曲目都有「Supercollider」,這首歌直到2011年才與「The Butcher」推出單曲發行。

Radiohead live at Paris 2008.6.10
1. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
2. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
3. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
4. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells
5. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
6. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
7. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), 1975 Fender Starcaster
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin:
Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
9. Dollars and Cents (Thom: Tambourine, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Keyboards
10. Faust Arp (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Jonny: Martin 000-18
11. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
12. Optimistic(Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
13. Just (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
14. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards(Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker
(Bottle with sand) 
15. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
16. Fake Plastic Trees (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
17. Jigsaw Falling Into Place(Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Colin: Sunburst Precision Bass
18. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
19. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
20. Bangers + Mash (Thom: Tambourine, Mini Drum kit, (Ed: White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
21. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
22. Hunting Bears
23. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
Encore 2
24. Supercollider (Thom: Upright Piano,
25. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335
26. Karma Police (Thom: Lakewood M14, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
27. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200), (Colin: Claves

Thom Yorke的紅褲子傳說,應該是這時期開始流傳的吧,聽說只要Thom穿紅褲子的那場演唱會,歌單都會特別好?可是「15 Step」Jonny一開始還彈錯;「Just」Thom唱歌順便講一下話;「House of Cards」很好聽,但現在覺得這首歌還挺輕浮的,輕飄飄地不知道在哪裡?

Radiohead live at Victoria Park 2008.6.24
1. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
2. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
3. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
4. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
5. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
6. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
7. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
9. Dollars and Cents (Thom: Tambourine, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards
10. Faust Arp (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Jonny: Martin 000-18
11. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
12. Just (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
13. Climbing up the Walls (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Plank Ed2, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
14. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards(Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin:

Shaker (Bottle with sand) 
15. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
16. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
17. Jigsaw Falling Into Place(Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino
18. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
19. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells
20. Bangers + Mash (Thom: Tambourine, Mini Drum kit, (Ed: White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
21. Planet Telex (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards 
22. The Tourist (Thom: Goldtop Gibson Les Paul Standard, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
Encore 2
23. Cymbal Rush (Thom: Upright Piano
24. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino
25. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)

「Dollars and Cents」Thom唱挺投入,差點拉倒麥克風架,但是Jonny感覺後半段很閒,兩手空空不知道要做啥,貼在大腿上發呆,還在後面閒晃去找Colin;「Just」Thom常在刷吉他時假裝手痛,2008年日本演唱會也來這招,那幕超經典的;「Reckoner」一開始Colin很High,跑出來高舉手上的沙瓶,Thom在旁邊一副「你幹嘛搶我鏡頭!」的表情;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom坐在雪獅旗,一直重複Free Tibet~ Free Tibet~ Free Tibet~睜著圓圓的眼睛唱起歌來;「Planet Telex」唱完備下首歌過場時,Thom又隨意拉了一下嗓;「Bangers + Mash」Thom坐在中間打小鼓,Ed和Jonny像左右護衛,站在兩旁,然後Colin也跑向前方,就像想加入他們一樣,但又退回去後面;這場有「The Tourist」頗懷念的歌,但更難得唱了「Cymbal Rush」,是Thom自彈自唱的版本。

 Radiohead live at Victoria Park 2008.6.25
1. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards(Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin:
Shaker (Bottle with sand)
2. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
3. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
4. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
5. Lucky (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
6. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
7. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), 1975 Fender Starcaster
8. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards, Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
9. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
10. Faust Arp (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Jonny: Martin 000-18
11. No Surprises (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Glockenspiel
12. Jigsaw Falling Into Place(Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Colin: Sunburst Precision Bass
13. Optimistic (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
14. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
15. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
17. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
18. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
19. The Bends (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed : backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
20. Bangers + Mash (Thom: Tambourine, Mini Drum kit, (Ed: White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
21. My Iron Lung (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
22. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
Encore 2
23. Go Slowly (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PCR-500)
24. 2+2=5 (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
25. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves

一開場就唱「Reckoner」,超級犯規了!!這場Thom穿了紅褲子,但Jonny穿了西裝外套搭配綠色T恤,頗少見的打扮但很帥,又加上Ed的藍襯衫,和Colin那把奶油黃貝斯,Phil好像喜歡穿紫色,舞台上紅綠藍黃紫,充滿彩虹裡的色彩;「15 Step」Thom一直拉著麥克風唱歌,腳底打滑,又不好意思地笑笑,「哇」了一下帶過去;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」開頭Thom看Jonny好像在發呆,喊了一下叫他回神,然後Ed走過來要和他對彈吉他,Jonny就楞楞地愈閃愈遠(←是要去哪呀?),還要Thom叫他倆回來這裡,看他們在舞台上的互動,覺得超好玩的(笑);「Myxomatosis」Thom唱了一半,故意跑到舞台邊放空,愈唱愈瘋拉倒麥克風架,三不五時就露出白白的肚皮;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom還跑去坐在Ed旁邊,兩人不知道講啥悄悄話?唱完Thom也坐在舞台前面;「Karma Police」照例台上台下大合唱;Encore回來竟然唱了「Go Slowly」、「2+2=5」和「Paranoid Android」,歌單果然很好。

Radiohead at Lollapalooza 2008.8.1
1. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
2. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells
3. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
4. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
5. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection)
6. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I)
7. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
8. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
10. No Surprises (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Glockenspiel
11. Jigsaw Falling Into Place(Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Colin: Sunburst Precision Bass
12. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand)
13. Lucky (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
14. The Bends (Thom: Sunburst Rickenbacker 330, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
15. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
16. Fake Plastic Trees (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
18. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
19. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves
20. Dollars and Cents (Thom: Tambourine, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards
22. Optimistic (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
Encore 2
23. 2+2=5 (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold)
24. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)

 一開場Jonny照例戴上帽T外套, Thom心情不錯,剪了頭髮,覺得比較清爽。
「There There」熱情歌迷趁亂對Jonny告白,可是Jonny都不為所動,Thom倒是旁邊偷笑,說了一些話後就開唱了;「All I Need」在開場前,Thom也是笑場,不知道想啥?大概歌迷太熱情;這場的歌都很好聽,一直唱到最後「Idioteque」,Thom唱得很high。結尾謝幕還把麥克風架,對著台下熱情的歡呼聲。

Radiohead live at Saitama Japan 2008.10.5
1. 15 Step (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Boss SP303 Dr Sample (Oscar Schmidt Autoharp), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
3. Just (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
4. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals
5. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
7. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), 1975 Fender Starcaster
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, Drum Machine (Roland TR909)
13. Optimistic(Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place(Thom: Martin 000-18, (Ed: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Colin: Sunburst Precision Bass
15. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Shaker (Multi Guiro), 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200), Claves
16. Fake Plastic Trees (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Fireglo Rickenbacker 360
17. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
19. Videotape (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), (Colin: Midi Keyboards (Roland PC-200)
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, White Fender Telecaster (Sold), (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Claves
21. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin:

Shaker (Bottle with sand)
22. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Lemon Shaker, (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker
Encore 2
24. My Iron Lung (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Plank Ed2
25. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker

2008年Radiohead巡迴舞台,設計得非常漂亮,正面由12排透明燈柱,貫穿舞台上下,排列成方型矩陣,配上梅花型的聚光燈和透明燈柱本身的效果,使整個舞台就像發光的巨大立方體。舞台中間上方的燈條,由下往上仰視,則像從天皆降落的雨絲,總之非常夢幻絢麗,極為有特色。日本這場Thom也穿紅褲子,心情很好的樣子,「Just」還用日語打招呼「空巴哇~」,最經典的鏡頭,就是唱到中間,突然大叫,假裝手被電到?這段超有戲,讓人印象深刻;「15 Step」Ed不知道丟什麼東西,Pick?「There There」Jonny跟Ed一樣,兩手各持一隻圓頭鼓棒,少了以前兩隻鼓棒互相撞擊的聲音,但是打鼓更有力道;「Jigsaw Falling Into Place」看得出當時應該很熱,每個人使出渾身解數,彈得滿頭大汗超帥的;「Idioteque」舞台燈光效果有加分,開場Thom跑去找Jonny,要他再升高,或弄High一點?;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom唸了一段不知道是什麼?就唱起歌來,後半段整座舞台也變成大型的跑馬燈,雖然有點看不出在播啥?(應該是歌詞),但是真得很炫人耳目。

 Radiohead Blow Out live at Tokyo 2008.10.7
1. Blow Out (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass

「Blow Out」是1993年《Pablo Honey》的歌曲,這張專輯除了「Creep」偶爾會拿出唱,其他歌幾乎在後來都沒再唱過,直到2008年日本巡迴連續二天都有「Blow Out」,有人說是慶祝Thom 40歲生日,所以回味這首年輕時代的老歌,不管用意是怎麼樣,總之Radiohead對日本人真好也。這段影片一開始Thom好像掉了什麼東西,Jonny在幫他找但又不是,然後Thom又說了「這首歌非常老…」,就開始演唱了,至少他們還記得《Pablo Honey》的歌,回想當年覺得挺感慨的…。另外綠木兄弟很愛穿動物系列的T恤,Jonny的畫著4隻鳥,他哥Colin是熊吼,常在演唱會看到他們穿。

