2012年10月22日 星期一

《The King of Limbs》Radiohead Live After 2011

The King of Limbs – 2011.2.18


Radiohead live at Glastonbury 2011.6.24
1. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Drums
2. 15 Step (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Clive: Drums
4. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks), (Clive: Drums
5. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Clive: Drums
7. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, (Jonny: Keyboards
9. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Electronic Drums
10. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Clive: Drums
11. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Clive: Electronic Drums
12. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Colin: Maraca S, (Clive: Tambourine
13. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
14. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster

2011年2月18日Radiohead無預警發行,第8張專輯《The King of Limbs》。而去年Glastonbury是他們出專輯後首度公開演出,多了一位新成員Clive Deamer,Portishead的鼓手。一出場Thom和Ed戴著圓禮帽,Jonny則是紅色毛帽(好可愛!)。第一首暖身「Lotus Flower」Keyboard沒很順,Thom唱了一半就中斷,去找Jonny看情況,後來一直用手勢示意;「15 Step」過場Thom先哼了二句;「Morning Mr. Magpie」Thom耍俏皮拋媚眼,感覺他們還在舞台磨合期,狀況其實還好,多了一位鼓手後,有些歌live也有變化;「All I Need」Thom唱到一半很忙,小跑步到鋼琴彈唱,;「Separator」Thom麥克風試音,偷比小動作,其他成員也是一直在看Thom;「Give Up the Ghost」只有Thom和Jonny留在台上,其他人中場休息,當時天氣還下雨,歌迷也挺辛苦的;「Staircase」Thom唱新歌,才介紹新成員;「Reckoner」Colin很開心地拿Thom的沙槌來搖,鼓手Clive也用鈴鼓加入;「The Daily Mail」是一首新歌。

Radiohead Live From The Basement《The King of Limbs》2011.7.1
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums, (Other: Brass Section
2. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Other: Brass Section
3. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
4. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks)
5. Codex (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards, (Other: Brass Section
6. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat
7. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D)
8. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
9. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster
10. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook
11. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85

一直很喜歡2008年《In Rainbows》地下室實況,沒想到《The King of Limbs》也推出同樣企劃,而且發行正式DVD(我買了!)。片頭是大伙正要準備開場,三三兩兩很隨意的樣子,第一首「Bloom」可以看到鼓手Clive敲打一個很奇妙的東西,電子鼓?還找了銅管樂隊助陣,氣勢整個烘托出來;「The Daily Mail」開頭由Thom一人先自彈獨唱,才慢慢加入其他樂器,愈來愈壯大;幾首歌結束後,大伙窩在沙發上,稍作休息,或與製作人Nigel Godrich討論,務必達到最佳狀態。這影片攝影很有風格,從一開始人聲喧雜,漸漸聚集的片頭,到最後曲散人終,萬籟俱寂的片尾,幾乎就像個寫實紀綠電影,或許它本來就是要呈現一種幽暗深遠、精巧微妙的感覺,雖然拍了地下室實況,但仍捉摸不透歌曲,好想知道他們在聊些什麼(我聽不出來呀!)。覺得這張專輯,Ed很少配搭和聲,大多是由Thom獨唱,另外影片雖然有「Staircase」、「The Daily Mail」和「Supercollider」,這幾首單曲的實況,但還是也想看到「The Butcher」的Live啊!

Radiohead live at Colbert Report NY 2011.09.26
01. The Daily Mail (with brass section)
02. Bloom (with brass section)
04. Codex(with brass section)
05. Little by Little
06. Morning Mr. Magpie
* Radiohead Interview

在《The King of Limbs》地下室實況後,Radiohead上電視表演並訪談,雖然只有幾首歌,同樣也有鋼管樂隊助陣,但不知為何?感覺這場表演比地下室實況還讚,尤其前二首歌,撼動人心呀。然後「Morning Mr. Magpie」一開始Thom和新鼓手Clive暫停,可能節奏不對重頭再來,總之很表演很精彩。後來主持人訪問全員,也有Thom和Ed二人單獨採訪。

Radiohead live at Roseland Ballroom NY 2011.9.28
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, Tambourine, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks), (Clive: Drums
3. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 70's Fender Strat/ Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
5. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition), (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Clive: Maraca S
6. Subterranean Homesick Alien (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
7. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Electronic Drums
8. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
9. Lotus Flower
10. 15 Step (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
11. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
12. Codex (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
13. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
14. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Maraca S
15. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Upright Piano, (Colin: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Tambourine
16. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
17. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
18. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Clive: Drums
Encore 2
19. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster
20. Nude

最初幾場巡迴的舞台,只有簡單的橫條紋狀與梅花型燈光。「Feral」和「Codex」都是首度演出,有點在抓感覺;《OK Computer》的「Subterranean Homesick Alien」,自從2003年就沒再唱過,挺懷念的歌;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom彈鋼琴又唱了一小段R.E.M的「The One I Love」;「The Daily Mail」這場地似乎很悶熱,Thom唱得滿身大汗,衣服全都溼透黏在背上;「Reckoner」唱了一下,結果不知道為何,中斷一下後又繼續唱下去;「Morning Mr. Magpie」Thom報歌名是說「Good Morning Mr. Magpie」,那為啥不直接用?最後安可不知道是等多久?總之Thom和Colin都換了T恤,大概心情好,就出來再多唱二首歌。

Radiohead live at Roseland Ballroom NY 2011.9.29
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, Tambourine, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks), (Clive: Drums
3. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
4. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
5. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition)
6. Subterranean Homesick Alien (Thom: Upright Piano, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
7. Like Spinning Plates (Thom: Upright Piano
8. All I Need (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Electronic Drums
9. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
10. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
11. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster/ Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
12. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums 
13. Codex (Thom: Upright Piano, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
14. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
15. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: 70's Fender Strat, (Clive: Drums
16. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Upright Piano, (Colin: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Tambourine
17. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
18. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
19. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Maraca S
Encore 2
20. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Clive: Drums
21. Nude

這二場歌單大致相同,不過Thom唱完「Subterranean Homesick Alien」,大概心情好,就跟Jonny商量又唱了預定之外「Like Spinning Plates」;「15 Step」麥克風試音兼試唱;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」Thom邊唱邊比手勢要上升;「Codex」Thom好像又要Jonny用電腦弄啥,兩人回頭互看來互看去;「Supercollider」樂團首度演出,歌很好聽,Thom做怪表情又講話。

