1. Lucky
2. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Drums
4. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Clive: Electronic Drums
5. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
6. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
7. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
8. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Clive: Drums
9. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
10. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
11. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
15. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Shaker
16. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
17. Treefingers (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), Glockenspiel
18. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
20. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Maraca S
24. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
2011年6月16日Radiohead巡迴演唱來到加拿大多倫多,開場前發生舞台屋頂塌落事件,造成演唱會取消、一名樂隊技師死亡、數人受傷的慘況。聽到新聞覺得挺不可思議,沒人會想到竟然會舞台崩塌,通常感覺只會有點小狀況,但它確實就發生了大意外。據說當天氣良好,似乎舞台在趕工,結構沒搭建好,上方屋頂過重就壓垮了,是人為疏失或設計不良?總之Radiohead直到7月10日才在法國尼姆競技場,重新進行巡迴演唱,這場舞台也改成12片螢幕直立在後方,中間嵌列著梅花型聚光燈,第一首歌「Lucky」從1998年之後,就沒在開場時唱過,應該是祈禱丕極泰來吧;「I Might Be Wrong」不錯聽;「Paranoid Android」Thom開唱前不知為笑場了一下;Encore回來唱了「Treefingers」,真得看到Live,還挺玄妙的;結尾獻唱「Reckoner」紀念過世的樂隊技師Scott Johnson,最後螢幕上全都是他的照片,很令人感傷的一幕。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Maraca S
4. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
5. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
6. The Gloaming
7. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
8. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
9. Reckoner
10. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Clive: Drums
11. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
12. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
13. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
14. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
17. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
18. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Clive: Drums
19. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
Encore 2
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
一出場Colin穿著帽T外套蓋住頭,Jonny穿那件熊吼T(好可愛哦!)。「Myxomatosis」Thom講了一些話;「Lotus Flower」又有熱情歌迷一直趁亂告白,Thom也回他「I love you too dear..」,聽到都要融化了,這場Thom穿黑色V領有加分,所以男人就是要穿V領(?);「Kid A」Thom也一直摸自己的小肚子,有點萌萌的。
1. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Drums
2. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
4. Lucky (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: Keyboards
5. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Clive: Drums
6. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
7. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
8. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
9. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
10. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
11. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
14. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Clive: Maraca S, Electronic Drums
16. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, Tambourine, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks)
17. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
18. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
19. House of Cards (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
20. Talk Show Host (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
21. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
22. Planet Telex (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
23. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
24. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
Encore 2
25. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
終於Radiohead來到了台灣開演唱會,以前從來沒敢妄想過的事情,總覺得不可思議,像幻夢一場,而看了歷年影片後,也有點失憶了當天狀況,只知道音樂一響起,就跟Thom搖擺舞動,跳得滿頭大汗,還要hold住仰角45度就能看到Thom的位置,一直聞到旁邊人的汗臭、腋味,其他根本不知道,到底那時看了什麼,只能慢慢對照影片,回想現場印象。一開場燈光暗下來時,心裡很緊張不安,網路上說Intro是Jonny在彈Steve Reich的「Counterpoint」,後來人影晃動,看到樂團成員們緩緩走入場就定位,綁著馬尾的Thom四處看看後,舉起雙手並對鼓手點頭示意OK,音樂就猛暴開來,尖叫聲一片,很High的開場;「Bloom」Thom背著吉他跳來跳去;很快前三首過去,Thom唱起「Lucky」記得他站在兩套鼓中間,身後一左一右各是S和J,紀念過世的樂隊技師Scott Johnson;「Morning Mr. Magpie」Thom隨意講了一下歌名,然後回顧一下影片,發現Thom和Ed像唸經般的和聲,其實很特別;「The Gloaming」Thom一直對不到拍子,聽說有被Jonny瞪,當時我沒啥印象,大概距離Jonny太遠吧;「Separator」每次Thom蹲下來調踏板時,就是離我們最近的時刻,前奏響起時,Thom滿臉笑咪咪,又偷空跑去喝水,然後我姊對我說「Thom喝水的樣子,好可愛!」,不過我根本沒空理她,正暈眩於歌曲之中,還嫌她好煩。「Nude」Thom邊唱邊扭邊放電,還半瞇著眼搖手指;「Myxomatosis」回顧影片看到準備過場時,Thom走到右邊喝水,很小聲地說「Free Tibet~」,歌迷有人喊了啥?(聽不出來),Thom又回答「Yes~Yes~Oh~Yes~!」然後扭扭屁股就開唱了,他大部份都在右邊,跟Jonny一樣離我們好遠,太可惜了;「Idioteque」一直在看Thom和Ed唱歌,唱完還回來對我們說「Thank you very much~」;「There There」也是一直看Ed打鼓唱歌,同時有6個人的動態,眼睛不夠用呀!!光看Thom唱歌跳來跳去,就很忙很累了,以我位置的視角,又看不太到Jonny,更別說要留意其他人,頂多偷空看個兩三眼;「Karma Police」歌迷一定會大合唱,但是好想把鋼琴轉過來,看Jonny彈琴哦;「Little by Little」很好聽;「Give Up the Ghost」Thom唱完說「Thank you~」,就接著唱「House of Cards」前段其他人很閒,尤其Jonny只能發呆,沒事看Thom,然後再用硬幣刮吉他;「Talk Show Host」自從2009年巴西演唱會之後,直到台北場再唱,Thom有點生疏,聽說大抄貼在舞台地板,Thom低頭偷看很明顯,其實這是第一次聽到live,非常驚豔很好聽;「The National Anthem」一開始覺得怎麼有雜音,但是看到Jonny拿一台東西在調整,才知道是現場廣播再混音到歌裡,想到這是Radiohead的國台語混音廣播,大概也沒啥機會再聽到(?),總之台灣限定電台頭國歌「淡定新人生~台北市中心~65重慶大道~圓山~水岸~第一排~*&%+@#)=&~了~了解我們這個~&%+#~如果說你是當年那個~&*r%#e~2537-1489~9~9~9~9(台語)」,中間穿插廣告、談話節目、不知名歌曲,最後電台常聽的台語賣藥廣告,實在是太經典了;「Everything In Its Right Place」抬出那架雪獅旗鋼琴,台下就有人大喊著Free Tibet!,然後Thom說出整場最清楚的一句話「Free Tibet ~Motherfucker!!」,然後小小聲地「one~two~three~」,比手勢給Ed,就開始唱起來,非常洗腦的一首歌。接著其他團圓慢慢離場,只剩下Ed站在台上用那些效果器,現在他不用再坐在地上,比較方便,然後不知道他對誰做鬼臉,就退入角落休息。過場緊接著就奏起「Reckoner」,我心裡想著終於親眼看到這首歌了,每個人都在搖擊樂器,共同交織成「Reckoner」,Thom唱完說「Thank you everybody~ Thank you very much~」一直敬禮,那時在心裡吶喊「我才想謝謝你們啊~!!謝謝你們來台唱歌(給我聽啊!!」,台下響起熱烈的歡呼掌聲,Thom不好意思地摸摸耳朵、拍拍手,舉起麥克風架回禮,退場後呼喊了一陣子,Thom抱著木吉他,唱起「Exit Music (For a Film)」,那時大氣不敢喘上一口,唯恐驚擾到Thom唱歌, Thom唱完說了聲「Goodnight~」,就退場了。
5. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Drums
11. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
17. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
18. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
21. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
23. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
Encore 2
24. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
Encore 3
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
Radiohead在台灣開完演唱會,接連趕場又參加Jisan Valley Rock Festival,這也是他們首次在南韓表演,更聽說Thom唱到脫衣服,這麼勁爆的訊息,所以來瞧瞧。第五首歌「Kid A」Thom還挺正常;但「Identikit」衣服幾乎都濕透了,Thom就掀一掀衣服,台下歌迷們馬上尖叫一片,他還故意露個肚子,又紮回褲子裡,雙手作勢,擠眉弄眼逗弄歌迷的胃口;等到「There There」已經忍不住,解開一整排扣子,若隱若現很性感;「Idioteque」開場就敞胸露肚,大概也熱到不行,又很快節奏,所以唱到後段,就邊跳邊脫衣,直接打赤膊,揮灑汗水,場面High不到。感覺Thom線條還不錯,可能最幾年舞跳多了,順便可以瘦身,但腰還是肉肉的,不過Ed和Jonny也是有肉,但一樣很銷魂性感! Encore回來,Thom又穿上衣服,包緊緊地唱「Give Up the Ghost」;「The National Anthem」Jonny穿的1號數字T恤,聽韓文廣播玩Radio,感覺還好唉;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom唱了一小段R.E.M的「The One I Love」,又在台上裝可愛;「Paranoid Android」幾乎從頭大合唱到尾。
2. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Drums
10. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
14. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
22. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Maraca S
覺得2012年巡迴,此時現場的氣氛融會貫通,現場表現更出眾,更有魅力。大概是攝影手法的關係,「Bloom」很好聽;「Morning Mr. Magpie」原本認為這首歌挺無趣,但是後來現場Ed會加入和聲,一片低沉嗡嗡的嗚吼聲,像呢喃自語愈來愈急促緊湊,很特別的感覺,唱到一半音場漸高,Thom比手勢降低;「Nude」每次Thom直盯著鏡頭,一邊放電一邊扭舞,沉迷於歌聲之中,真得會溺死人;「Myxomatosis」Thom超開心,對歌迷歡呼大喊,亂扭亂叫;「Bodysnatchers」有鑑於南韓那場,熱唱到脫衣服,日本這場應該也很熱,但Thom先見之明,自備黃吊嘎來換穿。
1. Lotus Flower
2. Airbag
3. Bloom
4. The Daily Mail
5. Myxomatosis
6. Bodysnatchers
7. The Gloaming
8. Separator
9. Videotape
10. Nude
11. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
12. Reckoner
13. There There
14. The National Anthem
15. Feral
16. Paranoid Android
17. Give Up the Ghost
18. I Might Be Wrong
19. Planet Telex
20. Morning Mr. Magpie
21. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Encore 2:
22. Staircase
23. Everything in Its Right Place (with Baby Love (The Supremes… more )
Encore 3:
24. Idioteque
Intro不知道是啥曲調?大家一出場氣勢很強,「Lotus Flower」Thom開場很帥,前面幾首歌很讚,「The Gloaming」就綠色電波,久違的「Paranoid Android」、「Planet Telex」。這首表演滿四平八穩,歌都很讚,最後「Idioteque」Thom唱到頭髮都散開很扭得很嗨。
1. Lotus Flower
2. Bloom
3. There There
4. The Daily Mail
5. Myxomatosis
6. Bodysnatchers
7. The Gloaming
8. Separator
9. I Might Be Wrong
10. Videotape
11. You and Whose Army?
12. Nude
13. Planet Telex
14. The National Anthem
15. Feral
16. Paranoid Android
17. Exit Music (for a Film)
18. Staircase ("Ful Stop" was listed as an… more )
19. Morning Mr. Magpie
20. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
21. Reckoner
Encore 2:
22. Give Up the Ghost (Jonny speech in French before the song started)
23. Everything in Its Right Place (True Love Waits intro)
Encore 3:
24. Idioteque
「Bloom」有如歌一樣盛開,而且愈來愈盛大,感覺滿特別的,唱完又是「There There」Jonny打鼓不累嗎?不過還是很猛烈;「Separator」想聽想做個夢、睡一覺;「You and Whose Army?」Thom一邊唱一邊看台下的反應,Jonny又穿著熊吼T裇,好可愛。Encore:回來「Exit Music (for a Film)」唱到一半台下有人趁最安靜時告白I love you;「Staircase」好像有出錯,暫停一下重新再來;「Reckoner」真得很讚,「Give Up the Ghost」Jonny秀了一段法語(但我聽不懂呀?)
1. Lotus Flower
2. Bloom
3. 15 Step
4. Kid A
5. Staircase
6. I Might Be Wrong
7. The Gloaming
8. Separator
9. Videotape
10. Nude
11. Ful Stop
12. Reckoner
13. Planet Telex
14. There There
15. Feral
16. Bodysnatchers
17. Give Up the Ghost
18. Exit Music (for a Film)
19. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
20. Morning Mr. Magpie
21. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Encore 2:
22. The National Anthem
23. Everything in Its Right Place(with Björk's 'Unravel' intro)
24. Idioteque
Thom用法語打招呼;「Kid A」變聲感很特別;「I Might Be Wrong」舞台效果很美,瀑布瀉流而下,Jonny甩頭很猛烈;「Separator」就是很催眠暈昡;「Ful Stop」有唱新歌,舞台效果也很美,五彩繽紛,Thom拍手帶動唱,「Planet Telex」說非常老的歌,可是好聽;「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」 聽了有感動。