1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
3. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Drums
4. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
5. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
6. Meeting in the Aisle (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
7. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Upright Piano, (Clive: Drums
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards
9. Codex (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
10. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster
11. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, ( Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
14. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
15. Feral (Thom: Keyb oards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
17. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
18. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells, (Clive: Jingle Bells
19. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Maraca S
20. Cut a Hole (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Upright Piano
21. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
Encore 2
22. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook
23. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker, (Clive: Tambourine
24. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
這場Thom穿紅褲子,心情很好,歌單更好。「The Daily Mail」歌迷很熱情,一直趁亂告白,還太大聲被噓,結果Thom唱了一下中斷,回頭又繼續唱;「Morning Mr. Magpie」Thom彈彈手指開唱;「Staircase」又有歌迷對Jonny告白(可能是同一個),在台下大喊「Jonny~I love you~!!!Jonny~」,結果就被Thom回接一句「Thank you」,反應超好笑的;「Meeting in the Aisle」沒想到真的有歌,光看影片就感覺超讚,更別說當時現場Live是多銷魂,還有2台電子鼓;「Identikit」首度演出的新歌;結果Encore回來「Cut a Hole」又是新歌,感覺很緩慢很特別,而是由Clive彈鋼琴(咦?),然後Thom手上拿一張紙,不曉得是不是大抄?「Give Up the Ghost」Thom故意繞了一圈出場,結果Jonny音效出不來,Thom只得一直重複Don't haunt me...可能是鬼打牆吧,後來又唱下去了;「Reckoner」Thom介紹新成員,但有些歌沒參與,所以順便道別;「Karma Police」結尾又依依不捨,多唱二句。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, Tambourine, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks) , (Clive: Drums
3. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells, (Clive: Jingle Bells
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
5. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Cliv e: Drums
6. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards
7. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Jonny: Upright Piano, (Clive: Drums
8. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
9. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Identikit
11. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
12. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
13. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
14. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, Keyboards, (Clive: Multi Guiro
15. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
16. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Clive: Maraca S
17. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
18. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals
19. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
20. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
Encore 2
21. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
22. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker, (Clive: Tambourine
23. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster
這場Jonny又呆呆的,「Airbag」開場跑到Ed那邊又走回來,Thom以為發生啥事,結果Jonny大概以為是下一首「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」,反應愣愣的超可愛;「Kid A」Jonny彈鋼琴;「Feral」Thom一直亂跳扭動,「Idioteque」過場就先綁個馬尾,繼續再跳;「Myxomatosis」也是先將麥克風線拉好,等兒邊唱邊跳。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
3. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
4. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Drums
5. The Amazing Sound Of Orgy (Thom: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboard (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
7. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
8. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
9. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S, Electronic Drums
10. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
11. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
* Interview with Thom and Ed
這場美國公共電視台的音樂節目,現場舞台很簡單,但Radiohead表現愈來愈穩,影片面面俱到,看得一清二楚,非常讚。「Myxomatosis」這首挺病,不過Thom結尾喃喃自語,也都唱很瘋;「Morning Mr. Magpie」很不錯;「The Amazing Sound Of Orgy」一首沒聽過的歌,Thom彈貝斯,後來才知它是「Pyramid Song「單曲裡面的歌曲,雖然聽不懂開場前講了啥,但Thom和Ed合唱太銷魂了啦;「Feral」Thom很愛這首歌,雖然沒啥歌詞,每次都唱很自high;「Idioteque」開場Colin先去關心一下Jonny,然後Thom也來下指示,就開唱了,感覺Jonny心情不好?,結束時Ed還等Jonny,拍拍肩膀一起下台。節目最後還有Thom和Ed的訪談,雖然聽不太懂,但是Ed採訪有鬍子,表演卻沒有,這節目還分二次錄哦,不過Ed那緊繃繃的衣服,原來有三款顏色:藍、白和暗紅色。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Jingle Bells
4. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, Tambourine, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks)
5. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
6. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
7. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
8. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
9. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
10. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Maraca S
11. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box (Thom: Tambourine, 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
14. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Clive: Maraca S
17. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Drums
「15 Step」Thom先哼了二句;「Little by Little」感覺好像有忘詞;「Morning Mr. Magpie」愈唱愈有不一樣味道;「The Gloaming」開場Ed沒事,就退到後方喝水,中場再轉圈跳回前面,然後Jonny結尾弄得很loop挺特別;「Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd」從2001年就沒再唱過,不過這時期唱得很好聽;「Lotus Flower」舞台的光牆很漂亮,效果很燦爛絢麗。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Maraca S
4. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
5. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
7. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
8. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Maraca S
9. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
10. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
11. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
12. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
13. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
14. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1 ibson ES-335
15. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
16. Lucky (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards
17. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
18. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Drums
Encore 2
19. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
2011年Radiohead巡迴舞台是大手筆設計,舞台上方懸掛著12片LED方形螢幕,可以上下變換各種角度,最上方也有一排固定螢幕,而舞台後面有炫麗大光牆,光牆其實有二層,前面一排據說是由回收罐做成,後面是直條密紋狀的LED燈牆,二層光牆可做出不同的花樣效果,總之視覺效果很驚人。不過我比較喜歡2008年的舞台,覺得透明矩陣的空間感很特別。「Bloom」開場Clive打電子鼓,Phil打大鼓,Jonny打小鼓,三鼓齊發層層疊疊,Colin超開心也想著打鼓;「Staircase」Radiohead每首歌LIVE,都有各自的代表顏色,紅黃藍綠,繽紛燦爛,飛天螢幕也排列像樓梯的樣子;「Karma Police」結尾都會依依不捨,唱成一片;「Identikit」Ed和聲幾乎佔了一半,比例很吃重,再配上電子鼓的聲響,很特別的感覺;四鼓齊發的「There There」,Jonny拿鼓棒的方式,好像常常在變換,這時期是雙手像各拿一雙筷子在打鼓,會有碎密的鼓棒撞擊聲;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom有時唱Neil Young的「After the Gold Rush」很好聽。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
4. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
5. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Maraca S
6. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
7. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
8. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
9. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
11. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
12. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
13. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
14. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
17. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals
18. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Maraca S
19. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Clive: Drums
20. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Drums
Encore 2
21. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
22. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
23. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
這場感覺Jonny狀況不太好(心情不好?),像「Staircase」和「Nude」有些空檔都抬頭望遠方,好像神遊的樣子;「The Daily Mail」Jonny就在Thom後面,抱著吉他,趁機歪頭發呆(很可愛也!);「Idioteque」開場Jonny音樂調很久,但Thom唱沒二句,一直不滿意,台下也跟著幫忙唱。但其實聽不太出來哪邊有問題,音樂好像還可以呀?,結果Thom唱完感覺不耐煩就下台了,幸好Colin有去關心Jonny;雖然Thom很任性,後來心情有變好,「Supercollider」向歌迷介紹Clive;「Everything In Its Right Place」台下有人大喊Free Tibet ~Thom也說了「Free Tibet ~Motherfucker!!」;「Reckoner」開場有女歌迷,趁亂告白,Thom回應一句「Thank you」,似乎挺開心。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
4. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Clive: Drums
5. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Maraca S
7. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
9. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
11. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
14. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
17. How To Disappear Completely (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Drums
18. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Clive: Drums
19. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
Encore 2
21. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
22. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
23. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Drums
「Kid A」又有歌迷趁亂告白,不過Thom很嘴賤地回應他;「Staircase」就定位正要唱時,Thom才發現忘記打開關,自已也不好意思地笑笑;「The Daily Mail」Thom講了一些話,回頭看一下歌迷,就開唱了;「Identikit」開場白介紹歌曲時,弄了一下跳針的音效;「Lotus Flower」開場也是如此,不知道是誰弄的?「Feral」Thom伸懶腰,故意很累的樣子;「Idioteque」開場似乎不對勁,Thom唱得老大不爽,又在台上嘲笑地說「Shiiiiiiit~~~」,後來鬧脾氣地丟下一句Fuck~,就離場了。Jonny回頭愣住,音樂也停下來,就趕緊去找Thom,最後其他人都有些尷尬地退場,不知道他們在後台說了些什麼對話?網路說Jonny的節奏,不是Thom要的感覺,所以Thom不爽了,這情況比前一場糟糕,連歌單上還特別標註(?),總之Jonny好可憐!!!!「How To Disappear Completely」台下歌迷們都很力挺,一直大喊Jonny~ Jonny~ Jonny~,感覺Jonny有偷笑一下,Thom心情大概也好了,真是捏把冷汗呀(?);「Go to Sleep」從2004年就沒再唱過,Jonny的solo太讚了,台下超High;「Paranoid Android」開場也一直大喊Jonny~ Jonny~,Thom唱出歌名,中段不知道為啥停唱一下;「Everything In Its Right Place」Thom說了一些話,台下就有人大喊Free Tibet~Free Tibet~,Thom唱著R.E.M的「The One I Love」就開唱了,中段唱完,起來跳舞站在舞台前,搓著雙手,向歌迷謝幕。最後Ed很賊,弄好效果就先落跑,結果Jonny回頭一看,只剩他還在台上,也趕緊揮揮手下台。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. Airbag (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster1, (Ed: backing vocals, Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Jonny: Keyboards, Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Colin: Jingle Bells, (Clive: Jingle Bells
3. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Clive: Drums
4. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335
5. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. Codex (Thom: Upright Piano, (Jonny: Midi Keyboards
7. Meeting in the Aisle (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
8. The National Anthem (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio
9. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
11. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
12. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
13. Go to Sleep (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster
14. The Gloaming
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
16. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
17. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals
18. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
19. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Clive: Drums
20. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboard s, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
Encore 2
21. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
22. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
23. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
這場很聰明,歌單沒有「Idioteque」,以免又像前二場出狀況,不過有「Meeting in the Aisle」好讚哦!「Nude」Jonny在旁邊看Thom唱得很投入,然後自已也撅著嘴,搖頭晃腦好可愛哦!「You and Whose Army?」很清楚看到鋼琴上,有一個小型攝影鏡頭,每次Thom邊唱邊對鏡頭做怪表情,螢幕上就有Thom圓睜睜的眼睛看著你,到底有啥用意?「15 Step」Thom唱到中段,隨手流暢地一揮,剛好歌迷也配合歡呼,很搭也;「Paranoid Android」中段Thom唱岔氣,含糊帶過去;「Reckoner」Thom直接背吉他下台,好像有點急?
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Clive: Drums
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Maraca S
5. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Clive: Drums
7. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
8. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
9. Like Spinning Plates (Thom: Upright Piano
10. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
11. Climbing up the Walls (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio, (Colin: Keyboards
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
14. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
15. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Clive: Maraca S
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
17. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
18. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
19. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Clive: Drums
20. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
Encore 2
21. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
22. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Keyboards, Coin
23. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
舞台背面的回收罐LED光牆,有時好像會順應場地而變化,排成一面彎曲的光牆。這場Thom穿紅褲子,小馬尾皮夾克,愈來愈有老嬉皮的樣子。雖然他們年紀大了,不過身材還可以,Ed也是留長髮,戴圓禮帽,其實幾個月前,看起來挺結實,衣服都穿緊繃繃的,現在有點小腹(咦?),但還是很性感。Thom有變瘦了點,記得以前有小肚子。Jonny倒是比較肉一點,沒像年輕時瘦弱,不過圓圓的小腹,肉肉的大腿,胖胖的手臂,好可愛哦!!「15 Step」台下歌迷很配合,會在間奏裡歡呼,很有默契感;「Kid A」這幾年Thom加入變聲效果,但喜歡以前直接唱的風格;「Like Spinning Plates」難得唱這歌,結果尖叫聲太大,Thom還回頭看了一眼,覺得發生啥事?又繼續唱下去;「Lotus Flower」Thom麥克風試音很俏皮;「Idioteque」連Phil也一直在做手勢,給Jonny要他調高一點,Ed不搖Multi Guiro,改成Clive負責,所以有些空檔挺閒的;「Myxomatosis」Thom跑到舞台前面,距離超近的,搖來唱去逗歌迷;「Supercollider」Jonny彈貝斯。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. 15 Step (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Electronic Drums
3. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1/Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Clive: Maraca S
5. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
6. The Daily Mail (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: Gibson Les Paul Custom, (Jonny: Rickenbacker 360 Fireglo, (Clive: Drums, Maraca S
7. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster, (Clive: Drums
8. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
9. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
10. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
11. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
12. Identikit (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: backing vocals, Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Electronic Drums, (Clive: Drums
13. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, , (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
14. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
15. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
16. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
17. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
18. You and Whose Army? (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster
19. House of Cards (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: Coin
20. Supercollider (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Cherry Sunburst Guild M85, (Clive: Drums
21. Bodysnatchers (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Clive: Maraca S
22. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Drum Machine (Roland TR909), Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
Encore 2
23. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
24. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
25. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
這場Ed穿白衣,再配白吉他很帥,「Kid A」開場Ed吉他有點狀況,後來喬不好換了一把吉他,其實好像都一樣唉。「The Daily Mail」很好聽,有種壓抑的奔放感(?),現場應該很熱,Thom流得滿身大汗,腋下都溼了;「Morning Mr. Magpie」Thom唱完很High,開場「Identikit」就順便用歌詞How are you today?問候一下歌迷;「Lotus Flower」Thom麥克風試音,還弄怪音效;「Feral」聽說Live不知道是Colin或Jonny?音效有點問題,不過我也看不出來;「You and Whose Army?」Thom很愛裝怪聲,逗弄歌迷;「Supercollider」Thom講了一些話,說這首歌是獻給Jack White,原來他們倆很熟?「Bodysnatchers」Jonny刷吉他很猛烈;「Everything in Its Right Place」開場Thom指著鋼琴前的雪獅旗,對台下的人說「Free Tibet ~Motherfucker!!」,正準備開唱時,Jonny站在旁邊,舉起手給他看了一下,好像是剛才彈吉他,手被割傷了,但又蹲回去弄他的機器,感覺就像小孩子受委屈,對大人抱怨,結果隨便被敷衍一樣,之後Jonny還得彈三首歌才能休息,好可憐!!! Thom自己唱得可開心,跑到舞台前,雙手比大姆指,向歌迷各舉一遍,然後搓搓手,就退場了;「Reckoner」唱到一半現場放起煙火,太應景,浪漫了吧;「Paranoid Android」中間Rain down…Jonny趁空偷吸一下傷口,然後又望著遠方(看天空或歌迷?),從略帶訝異到面露微笑,再回神轉頭看Thom,準備彈鍵盤、刷吉他solo結尾。
1. Bloom
2. There There
3. 15 Step
4. Kid A
5. Staircase
6. Morning Mr. Magpie
7. The Gloaming
8. Codex
9. The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
10. Karma Police
11. Reckoner
12. Lotus Flower
13. Myxomatosis
14. Feral
15. Little by Little
16. Idioteque
17. Separator
18. Ful Stop (New song, live debut)
19. Bodysnatchers
20. Everything in Its Right Place (The One I Love intro)
Encore 2:
21. Give Up the Ghost
22. Identikit (Unplanned, not on setlist)
23. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
24. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
覺得這場歌單很好《The King of Limbs》整張專輯的歌全都唱了。「Kid A」Thom扭來扭去, 唱出來有變音,「The Gloaming」綠色電波,Ed前段沒事就在旁邊跳舞,後段再一起合聲,「The Amazing Sounds of Orgy」這首歌很讚。然後「Reckoner」舞台效果很美,「Myxomatosis 」、「Feral」這幾首覺得是綠色電波的歌曲,就是我聽起來還好不是很懂,但是Thom現場很愛唱自嗨自跳。新歌「Ful Stop」舞台光牆很繽紛絢麗,「Identikit」網路說不在歌單內但是有唱,前面Thom從左手邊開始介紹成員,新鼓手Clive送飛吻,Jonny反應很可愛,然後又介紹右手邊的人。
1. Bloom (Thom: Fender Jazzmaster2 (Red), (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Mini Drum kit, (Colin: Cream Fender Precision Bass, (Phil: Drums, (Clive: Electronic Drums
2. There There (Thom: Gibson ES-125T, (Ed: backing vocals, Tom Drums, (Jonny: Tom Drums, Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Phil: backing vocals, (Clive: Drums
3. Kid A (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), Tambourine, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Clive: Drums
4. Staircase (Thom: Keyboards (Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Ed: Jetglo Rickenbacker 360 12-String, (Clive: Electronic Drums
5. Morning Mr. Magpie (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums
6. The Gloaming (Ed: backing vocals, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: MacBook, (Colin: Keyboards, (Clive: Drums
7. Separator (Thom: 1964 Epiphone Casino, (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
8. I Might Be Wrong (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Clive: Drums, Tambourine
9. Pyramid Song (Thom: Upright Piano, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Jonny: Keyboards, 1975 Fender Starcaster and Bow
10. Climbing up the Walls (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Plank Ed2, (Jonny: Keyboards (Analogue Systems French Connection), Radio, (Colin: Keyboards
11. Nude (Ed: 1967 Gibson ES-335, (Jonny: 1975 Fender Starcaster
12. Lotus Flower (Thom: Maraca S, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D, Dave Smith Prophet '08), (Clive: Drums
13. Paranoid Android (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: backing vocals, Cabasa, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster3, (Jonny: Keyboards, (Colin: Claves, (Clive: Maraca S
14. Feral (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Aged White Fender Telecaster, (Jonny: Sunburst Fender Telecaster Plus, (Clive: Maraca S
15. Little by Little (Thom: Gibson ES-330, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Phil: Shaker (Bottle with sticks)
16. Idioteque (Ed: backing vocals, Aged White Fender Telecaster, Effects Pedals, (Jonny: Analogue Systems RS200 Sequencer System, (Colin: Keyboards, Claves, (Clive: Multi Guiro
17. Exit Music (For a Film) (Thom: Gibson Hummingbird, (Ed: Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar1, (Jonny: Keyboards, Sunburst Fender Telecaster Standard/Plus, Coin
18. Ful Stop (Thom: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Model D), (Ed: Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, (Clive: Drums
19. Myxomatosis (Ed: Fernandes Native Pro, (Jonny: Keyboards (Moog MiniMoog Voyager Performer Edition, Fatar Keys CMS-161), (Clive: Drums
20. Reckoner (Thom: '64 Cherry Red Gibson SG, (Ed: backing vocals, Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster1, Tambourine, (Jonny: Lemon Shaker, Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Colin: Shaker (Bottle with sand), (Clive: Tambourine
Encore 2
23. Give Up the Ghost (Thom: Martin 000-18, (Jonny: MacBook, 1975 Fender Starcaster
15. Karma Police (Thom: Gibson B25, (Ed: backing vocals, Fireglo Rickenbacker 360, (Jonny: Upright Piano
22. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: Keyboards (Fender Rhodes Mark I), (Ed: Pedalcart, (Jonny: Sampler (Korg Kaoss Pad KP1), (Phil: Lemon Shaker, (Clive: Electronic Drums
其實這影片拍得不錯,尤其偏右前方的位置,可以看Jonny的動態,從這角度仰視舞台也很讚;「Kid A」上方漂浮的螢幕,排成二排拱形,覺得挺漂亮;「Staircase」遠方有人大喊「I love you Thom!!」,結果Thom心情很好,也回了「I love you too dear... but not like that.」,實在太趣味了;「Morning Mr. Magpie」Thom中間大亂叫,唱得特別瘋;「Separator」好像有忘詞?「I Might Be Wrong」舞台光牆效果很美,像下雪或是不斷墜落的流星雨;「Climbing up the Walls」Thom開場不知道對誰偷比手勢?「Nude」Thom特地調下麥克風架,抓著麥克風唱歌;「Little by Little」Phil搖一個沒有底部的空保特瓶,插著一隻鼓棒,可能是自製樂器;「Ful Stop」一首很奇妙的新歌;「Myxomatosis」開場前Thom就先Clive表示要高一點,然後喬好麥克風線,愈唱愈瘋愈有病(讚賞意味)。「Everything In Its Right Place」開場Thom一小段Neil Young的「After the Gold Rush」,然後這場Jonny衣服很令人睱想,一直在等他把中間拉鏈拉下來,結果並沒有。