2017年7月30日 星期日

《OK Computer OKNOTOK》Radiohead Live Since 2017

OK Computer OKNOTOK– 2017.6.23

2017.06.06 Radiohead live at Oslo Norway
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. Airbag
06. Lucky
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Bloom
11. Identikit
12. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
13. I Might Be Wrong
14. The Numbers
15. Bodysnatchers
16. Exit Music (for a Film)
17. Reckoner
18. You and Whose Army?
19. Burn the Witch
20. There There
21. Lotus Flower
22. Idioteque
Encore 2:
23. Nude
24. Karma Police
2017.06.07 Radiohead live at Oslo Norway
Encore:18. I Promise(Tour debut; first live… more )

2017年Radiohead的演出場次不多,4月美國巡迴告一段落,5月休息,6月再度從挪威開唱,這場影片角度很偏,不過還是很讚,每首歌都超級好聽,出神入化了,「Lucky」唱得很投入;「All I Need」喜歡這首很少唱的歌,Thom扭來扭去,唱得很銷魂;「Bloom」「Reckoner」很棒;2017.06.07 奧斯陸第二場 Encore回來,竟然唱「I Promise」超好聽的。這陣子出現愈來愈多舊歌,感覺就是在致敬1997年《OK Computer》再度發行《OK Computer OKNOTOK》,回味當年的時光,所以我自已是認定為重新巡迴吧。

2017.06.11 Radiohead live at Northside Festival Denmark
01. Daydreaming
02. Lucky
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. Airbag
06. Myxomatosis
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
12. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
13. Idioteque
14. The Gloaming
15. The Numbers
16. Bodysnatchers
17. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
18. You and Whose Army?
19. There There
20. Paranoid Android
21. Lotus Flower
22. Karma Police

一開始下雨,飄著雨絲在唱「Daydreaming」;「Lucky」Jonny穿著毛衣,彈另一把吉他(原子小金剛貼紙),好可愛哦,Thom唱得很投入,有點煽情,結果「Ful Stop」大家脫了衣服,馬上就電到不行,炫到不行;「Airbag」Jonny吉他solo超帥;「All I Need」Thom唱得有點隨性,但還是讚呀,而且扭來扭去超性感,唱完還跑去跟Colin抱在一起,整團大叔都超帥的,唱歌又好聽,太銷魂了。

2017.06.14 Radiohead live at Florence Italy
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step
06. Myxomatosis
07. Lucky
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Let Down
11. Bloom
12. Identikit
13. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
14. Idioteque
15. The Numbers
16. Exit Music (for a Film)
18. You and Whose Army?
19. 2+2=5
20. There There
21. Paranoid Android
22. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Encore 2:
23. Lotus Flower
24. Fake Plastic Trees
25. Karma Police

「Ful Stop」Jonny很有節奏感地,一邊甩頭一邊彈吉他,超可愛;「Myxomatosis」他們滿愛唱這首歌,很投入;「Let Down」團員們在舞台上,隨意遊走,一邊彈唱,每次聽都很感動好聽,Colin還比讚;「Identikit」吉他solo太帥了;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」Thom拍手帶動唱,以前有這樣嗎?;「2+2=5」感覺超HIGH的。

2017.06.16 Radiohead live at I-Days Monza Italy
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step
06. Myxomatosis
07. The National Anthem
08. All I Need
09. Pyramid Song
10. Everything in Its Right Place
11. Reckoner
13. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
14. Idioteque
15. The Numbers
16. Exit Music (for a Film)
17. Paranoid Android
18. No Surprises
19. Nude
20. 2+2=5
21. Bodysnatchers
22. Fake Plastic Trees
Encore 2:
23. Lotus Flower
24. Creep
25. Karma Police

這場每個團員的衣服顏色都差不多,是都說好穿暗暗的灰色系嗎?而且Jonny的領口好大,露出一大片鎖骨,叫人不知看哪好?「Ful Stop」銷魂致極超讚,;「Airbag」也是,Jonny吉他彈斷弦,還一直彈很high,「15 Step」就換彈另一隻吉他;「Myxomatosis」Thom秀了幾句義大利文(應該吧),扭來扭去;「The National Anthem」混音義大利廣播,好像是古典樂,挺有感覺的;「All I Need」、「Reckoner」、「Nude」這幾首《In Rainbows》的歌真得很性感;雖然原意好像不是這樣?不過這場歌單很棒,都是喜歡的歌,不知道都在好聽什麼;「Fake Plastic Trees」「Creep」「Karma Police」唱完很感傷。

2017.06.18 Radiohead live at BKS Netherlands
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
05. Myxomatosis
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Bloom
11. Identikit
12. Idioteque
14. The Numbers
15. Exit Music (for a Film)
17. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
18. Nude
19. Let Down
21. Paranoid Android
22. Reckoner
Encore 2:
23. Lotus Flower
24. There There

「Everything in Its Right Place」很不錯,低音節奏很酷;「Bloom 」Jonny又穿件領口好大的衣服,坐在前面打鼓;「Identikit」Thom搖來搖去唱歌;「Idioteque」唱得更瘋;「Let Down」還是很好聽,這場歌單幾乎都是我的最愛,真是太神奇了;「Paranoid Android」Jonny吉他solo好帥;「There There」Jonny打鼓到一半,跑去背吉他(是忘記了嗎),感覺這場大家很放鬆隨性。

2017.06.20 Radiohead live at 3Arena Dublin Ireland
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
04. Airbag
06. The National Anthem
07. My Iron Lung
08. All I Need
09. You and Whose Army?
10. Let Down
12. Identikit
17. 2 + 2 = 5
18. No Surprises
19. I Promise
20. Paranoid Android
21. Present Tense
22. Everything in Its Right Place
Encore 2:
24. Fake Plastic Trees
25. How to Disappear Completely

「The National Anthem」Jonny廣播混一混音,台下觀眾好像變很high;「My Iron Lung」唱得很隨性但好聽;「All I Need」Thom帶動台下一起拍手,扭來搖去很銷魂;「You and Whose Army?」Ed和聲很讚;Encore回來接連唱了「No Surprises」、「I Promise」充滿易碎脆弱感,太好聽了;「Fake Plastic Trees」「How to Disappear Completely」謝幕Colin邊走邊用相機拍照,Jonny也揮手謝幕,好可愛,最後大家下台了,馬尾刺青大叔才出來收場。

2017.06.23 Radiohead live at Glastonbury
01. Daydreaming
02. Lucky (1997.06.28) (2003.06.28)《OK Computer》
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag  (1997.06.28) 《OK Computer》
05. 15 Step
06. Myxomatosis
07. Exit Music (for a Film) (1997.06.28) 《OK Computer》
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place (2003.06.28)
10. Let Down 《OK Computer》
11. Bloom
12. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
13. Idioteque  (2003.06.28)
14. You and Whose Army?
15. There There
16. Bodysnatchers
17. Street Spirit (Fade Out) (1997.06.28 ) (2003.06.28)
18. No Surprises (1997.06.28 ) (2003.06.28)《OK Computer》
19. Nude
20. 2+2=5  (2003.06.28)
21. Paranoid Android  (1997.06.28 ) (2003.06.28)《OK Computer》
22. Fake Plastic Trees (1997.06.28 ) (2003.06.28)
Encore 2:
23. Lotus Flower
24. Creep (1997.06.28 )
25. Karma Police (1997.06.28 ) (2003.06.28)《OK Computer》

自從5月初Radiohead發布新訊息,6月23日發行《OK Computer OKNOTOK》(1997-2017)二十週年紀念專輯,並且是他們重回格拉斯頓伯里音樂節Glastonbury Festival,一直在等待那天的到來,雖然不能親自去現場,但仍想辦法看網路直播。台灣時間星期六凌晨2點多,守在電腦前先看「THE XX」表演很棒,等到凌晨4點28分Radiohead就準時上場,看到舞台前有人帶台灣獨立旗good job,無限期支持台灣獨立!!!有生之年希望能看到台獨後,Radiohead再來台灣開唱。這場歌單就是在致敬1997《OK Computer》,新專輯《A Moon Shaped Pool》的歌不多,覺得Radiohead也沒有想來什麼花招,只是想讓歌迷回味舊歌,讓大家很高興而已。「Daydreaming」開場Thom外套上別著Atom For Peace的胸章,「Airbag」很酷,整個超讚 ,I am back to save the universe! 說我們回來了;「Myxomatosis」很病,病到不行;「Let Down」也是雪藏多年,最近才拿出唱,能在Glastonbury出現,真是太高興;「Bloom」氣勢宏大,愈聽愈愛;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」很銷魂,今年也是2007《In Rainbows 》十週年,唱了滿多專輯的歌(如果有Reckoner就完美了);「Idioteque」唱完台下很鼓噪;「There There」、「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」、「No Surprises」也和2003年Glastonbury表演一樣的讚,接下來一堆經典歌單大放送,覺得Radiohead太能唱了,一共25首歌都很非常讚,已臻化境,「Karma Police」最後大合唱結束,已經看到早上6點多,實在有點累人,半夢半醒給他看完。

2017.06.28 Radiohead live at Open'er Festival Poland
01. Daydreaming
02. Lucky
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. Airbag
06. Myxomatosis
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Bloom
11. Identikit
12. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
13. Idioteque
14. The Gloaming
15. The Numbers
16. Bodysnatchers
17. 2 + 2 = 5
18. Nude
19. Let Down
20. Lotus Flower
21. Paranoid Android
22. Reckoner
Encore 2:
23. The National Anthem(version with Polish samples)
24. Street Spirit (Fade Out)

前陣子佛心來著的Radiohead主動在官網http://www.radiohead.tv 的不定期公佈現場影片,實在是對歌迷很好,太貼心了。開場「Daydreaming」Thom穿的大衣好好看;「Ful Stop」每個人都超帥;「All I Need」超級唯美動聽;「Everything in Its Right Place」各種聲響效果很讚,很喜歡有段低音的節奏,Jonny在旁邊眼睛超大直視鏡頭,最後Thom很可愛在偷笑,和Phili喝水的樣子好可愛;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」、Idioteque」快拍節奏很讚,結尾Thom還很意猶未儘;接唱「The Gloaming」也是很病、瘋巔亂跳;「Bodysnatchers」很HIGH;唱完喘口氣,就說了「2 + 2 = 5」Encore回來「Nude」有夠性感銷魂;「Reckoner」也是好聽到不行;「The National Anthem」Jonny收音機廣播波蘭電台、古典樂的混音很酷;「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」這首終曲超讚。

2017.06.30 Radiohead live at Rock Werchter Belgium
01. Daydreaming
02. Lucky
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step
06. Myxomatosis
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Let Down
11. Bloom
12. Identikit
13. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
14. Idioteque
15. You and Whose Army?
16. Bodysnatchers
17. 2+2=5
18. No Surprises
19. Nude
20. Climbing Up the Walls
21. Paranoid Android
22. Reckoner
Encore 2:
23. My Iron Lung
24. Karma Police

最近歌單都大同小異,但「Ful Stop」Jonny穿的外套好好看也;「15 Step」結尾有點不太一樣;「Myxomatosis」Thom很愛這首歌,邊唱邊扭來扭去;「All I Need」Thom又是拍手帶動唱,超好聽;「Bloom」愈聽愈好聽;「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」Thom也很愛拍手帶動唱,真得超high;「No Surprises」Thom唱完好像有點感傷;「Nude」更加悠緩縈繞;「Climbing Up the Walls」一邊唱一邊混音法國廣播,特別讚;「Reckoner」Jonny一邊搖檸檬一邊彈鍵盤,很厲害很好聽;Encore 2:回來唱了「My Iron Lung」是久違的舊歌,唱完好像講了一些話,然後就唱「Karma Police」中間還留白一段?讓台下大合唱,整個令人難忘。

2017.07.02 Radiohead live at Main Square France
01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. My Iron Lung
06. Myxomatosis
07. All I Need
08. Videotape
09. Let Down
10. Bloom
11. Separator
12. Reckoner(with "Man of War" tease; Thom: "We need to practice this just once")
13. There There
14. The Gloaming
15. The Numbers
16. Exit Music (for a Film)
17. Bodysnatchers
18. No Surprises
19. Nude
20. Climbing Up the Walls
21. Everything in Its Right Place
22. Idioteque
Encore 2:
23. You and Whose Army?
24. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
25. Paranoid Android

「My Iron Lung」聽了會很懷念,那些早期的歌;「Myxomatosis」Thom唱歌一邊扭來扭去,動作超靈活;「Videotape」非常哀美離別,是人生盡頭的歌;「Reckoner」Thom好像有提到「Man of War」,Jonny都是坐著搖檸檬,後來去彈一下吉他再回來彈鍵盤;「No Surprises」唱到「bring down the government~,they don’t, they don’t speak for us~」這句,現場反應很大,看來法國人對他們的政府沒啥好感。

2017.07.04 Radiohead live at Emirates Old Trafford Manchester
01. Let Down(first time as set opener)
02. Lucky
03. Ful Stop
04. Airbag
05. 15 Step
06. Myxomatosis
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. No Surprises(then spontaneous "Oh, Jeremy Corbyn!" chant)
11. Bloom
12. Identikit
13. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
14. Idioteque
15. You and Whose Army?
16. Bodysnatchers
17. 2 + 2 = 5
18. Daydreaming
19. Nude
20. Lotus Flower
21. Paranoid Android
22. Fake Plastic Trees
Encore 2:
23. There There
24. I Promise
25. The Bends
26. Karma Police

「Let down」第一次用來當開場曲,好讚哦! !真是神曲;「Myxomatosis」Thom超會扭;「All I Need」Thom唱一唱,比了比打鐘琴的手勢,是在提醒Jonny嗎?不過Jonny在旁邊等待的樣子,好可愛哦,而且T裇領口露出一大片,很吸引目光去看也;「Everything in Its Right Place」Thom搓了一下手,就很陶醉開唱了;「「Weird Fishes/Arpegg」很讚;「There There」打鼓前Ed不知跟Jonny講啥,Jonny就跑去Colin背後用鼓棒惡作劇,真的是太可愛了;「I Promise」這場歌單真好,好想聽這些B-Sides的現場呀;「The Bends」聽了會很懷念早期的歌;「Karma Police」最後結束,Thom又再唱一下,台下大合唱,鼓手Clive還送鼓棒給台下歌迷,真是個好人。

2017.07.07 Radiohead live at TRNSMT Scotland
01. Let Down
02. Lucky
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. Myxomatosis
06. There There
07. All I Need
08. Pyramid Song
09. Everything in Its Right Place
10. Reckoner
11. Bloom
12. Identikit
13. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
14. Idioteque
15. The Numbers
16. Bodysnatchers
17. 2 + 2 = 5
18. Daydreaming
19. No Surpris
20. Lotus Floeswer
21. Paranoid Android
22. Fake Plastic Trees
Encore 2:
23. Nude
24. The Bends
25. Karma Police

「Let down」又當開場曲,太讚了! Thom西裝外套別了好像是反戰的圓章;「Ful Stop」超High,每個人都搖頭晃腦,Jonny邊甩頭邊彈吉他,超帥超投入;「Myxomatosis」Thom唱到最後還怪叫,表情很扭曲很有病(←讚嘆意味);「All I Need」好聽;「No Surprises」大家真得反應很大「bring down the government~they don’t, they don’t speak for us~」,看來古今中外的人,沒有啥人喜歡他們的政府;「Lotus Flower」這首歌也是越聽越愛,越有味道,舞台效果有如一朵綻放的蓮花;「Paranoid Android」台下歌迷超厲害,從第一句大合唱到最後一句;「Fake Plastic Trees」超好聽;「Karma Police」Thom露出心滿意足的微笑。

